
T'was the night of the ball as the bell sounded ten,
of lovely dressed women and fine structured men.
All were invited to reap wine and dance,
to make merry music the brass band enhanced.

From early that eve when the sun set at seven,
most had arrived and it now was eleven.
The waltzes by Strauss put romance to the air,
while candy filled treats paid the tricksters of terror.

The banquet was bursting those bellies too big,
from almondine duck to skewer roasted pig.
An hour'd gone by shown the hands of the clock,
the door began breaking from a battering ram knock.

Then the lights flickered and all stood in awe,
t'was midnight for fools who believed what they saw.
On ONE stroke of twelve did the candle wax melt,
the shivers erupted as brisk air was felt.

The flowers began wilting they drooped and did hang,
the fireplace grew dim when the SECOND chime rang.
Lightning flashed freely and lit up the night,
full moon 'neath mist clouds burned as eerie and bright.

Seconds ticked quickly and hearts beat as fast,
blood pressures' rose when the THIRD bell had passed.
From out of the dark came a hell-echoed scream,
t'was not until then did arrive Halloween.

Witches came bellowing on broomsticks that flew,
they laughed and did curse as the FOURTH stroke withdrew.
Spiders then crept through small cracks in the floor,
weaving silk webs for the food they would store.

The guests could not speak by the fading of FIVE,
their tongues were in-turned their mouths were too dry.
From afar came the yowl of a werewolf's shrill bay,
each moment was horrid as time ticked away.

The worms burrowed deep through the SIXTH rhythmic bell,
and jack-O'-lanterns frowned t'was now halfway to hell.
Bats from the belfry squealed and did drool,
fearless were none when the bloodsuckers flew.

Women did cower and men sought to flee,
but escape was held short by a SEVENTH long ring.
Entered then skeletons who scurried to scare,
clacking and creaking and hinged everywhere.

Boogie men and goblins and ghouls glowing green,
joined in the horror of this black Halloween.
The captives were panicked and bitten by fear,
for chimes EIGHT, NINE, and TEN were now presently clear.

The ghosts scared together they floated and booed,
the cats hair then raised as the owls hooted and hoo-ed.
Hideous were monsters and demons and beasts,
wherein shadows did lurk 'til ELEVEN'S rhyme ceased.

From thunder heard crackling came hooves bleeding red,
its rider was lifeless and missing his head.
Ultimate was boding that aged into fright,
all hope was denied by the clock's FINAL STRIKE.

Its passage brought silence deafening and still,
no one dared whisper the quiet to kill.
Then on the wall - t'was seen by all eyes,
a warning to heed for the living to die.

In blood was it written, by SATAN, THE FIEND:

"I'll return for you MIDNIGHT, come next HALLOWEEN"
Muh-hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hahhaaaahh...



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