The Ballroom

lg mummy
small mummy
large mummy


Where is everyone going?

To the monster bash of course.

black cat divider

dancing skeletons
dancing skeletons
dancing skeletons


Lets all join in.


large dancing skeletons
small dancing skeletons
large dancing skeletons
small dancing skeletons
large dancing skeletons


Put on your dancing shoes


dancing beast
dancing beast
dancing beast


Turn up the music.


animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin
animated pumpkin


Everyone is here.


dancing skeleton with cane
dancing skeleton with cane
dancing skeleton with cane


skeleton/pumpkin divider


talking witch





large dancing skeleton
large dancing skeleton


large dancing skeleton


pumpkin divider


dancing mummy
dancing mummy
dancing mummy


ribbon divider

dancing skeleton line

green slime bar


spinning pumpkin
small spinning skull
spinning pumpkin
small spinning skull
spinning pumpkin


skeleton/pumpkin divider


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<BGSOUND SRC="ghostrag.mid">


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